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Starting in January 2025, Breathing DOJO Recruitment Information

Are you playing with your life? Are you driving your life?

If you think of your body as a vehicle and your mind (your thoughts and emotions) as the system, then you are the driver.

Are you behind the wheel right now?

Are you moving towards where you want to go?

Are you seeing the view you want to see?

If the answer is "Yes!" then get yourself a vehicle that will allow you to travel smoothly and easily.

If the answer is no, start by taking the wheel. Turn off autopilot and take control of the car.


What is Breathing DOJO?

It is a place where you can "optimize yourself" through your breath, using the method of " breathing and bodywork ." It started in 2014 as a place to use your body to transcend your body and remember your true self.


About the class

There are two main classes:

1. Adjustment Method Class

Through movement, you can regulate your breath, relax your body, and clear your mind. Specifically, you will practice the "breathing and body adjustment" method (there are over 100 types). Your mind and body will be optimized.

<Main Contents>

- Release the out-of-control mind caused by habits in the way you use your body (Difficulties such as not being able to get up in the morning, not being able to stop eating sweets, not being able to work hard without caffeine, feeling tired even though you really want to move, not being able to move at all, lack of motivation in the first place, lethargy, constant anxiety, becoming overly emotional, overthinking, being distracted, restless, easily irritated, lack of concentration, being easily influenced by others, etc. are often not due to innate personality or characteristics, but rather due to habits in the way you use your body)

・Practice moving easily and smoothly

・Create a body that can move easily and smoothly through practicing easy and smooth movements

・Learn how to use your body to avoid unnecessary fatigue

Clear your mind

・Improve the accuracy of your daily life by breathing in a way that makes the most of your life

There are two types of [Adjustment Method Classes]: one with a monthly theme, and one where participants bring in their own theme (participation is possible from the second year onwards). Each type is available in face-to-face and online classes.

Themes until June (planned)

January: Take a breather, reset negative stimuli/tension

February: Basic breathing techniques/Focusing on breathing

March Abdominal communication method/building a body that is less prone to strain

April: Opening of the upper abdomen/Separation from emotions (fear and anxiety), stopping binge eating and drinking

May Total conditioning/For a lighter body and a clearer mind

June: Spinal adjustment and buttock switch / Eliminate fatigue, heaviness, lack of motivation, etc.

2 [Control Law Class]

This class is about breath and life (making the most of your life). You will learn about the breathing state that makes the most of your life, and practice using it in your daily life. You will experience what daily breathing should be like, what naturalness is, and remember your true self.

<Main Contents>

・Remember your true self

・Experience being your true self

・Inputting the feeling of being your true self

・Learn techniques to support you in being your true self in your daily life

[Control Method Class] Online classes will have monthly themes until June. After that, the themes will be decided by the participants. In the face-to-face class, we will explore our own way of being through contact with people.

Themes until June (planned)

January What is Neutral Breathing®️? / The relationship between quality of breathing and the mind and body

February Brainstem approach: Regaining trust in oneself and others

March: Natural breathing recovery program/Daily breathing and natural posture

April Dynamic Meditation/Breathless Movement

May: Deep Breathing/Getting in sync with yourself

June Integration Work/Eliminating the "I"


Activities outside of class (optional)

The Breathing DOJO also offers extracurricular activities . The following extracurricular activities will be held in 2024, and will be announced in 2025.

  • Easy running lessons

  • Animal Observation Event

  • Farm work experience (making dried daikon radish strips, working at an apple farm, etc.)

    *If an external lecturer is invited, a separate lecturer fee will be charged.

There is also a volunteer group called the "Self-Practice Square" for participants to continue practicing the Adjustment Method .

Here, participants will inspire and help each other to deepen their practice. It is a community that promotes growth by sharing what they have learned and supporting each other in their daily practice.


How to participate and your options

Classes are available in the following formats:

  • Weekday classes (face-to-face, online)

  • Weekday Evening Classes (Online)

  • Weekend classes (in person and online)

Although you will be required to decide which classes you will attend, you are free to join other classes. Some people attend more than 10 classes a month. In addition, you can freely watch the recordings of the online classes while participating in the Breathing DOJO.

Click here for the annual class schedule


Class participation options and fees (first-timers please choose from 1-3)

Depending on the class combination you wish to participate in, you can choose from the following options:

  1. Adjustment method theme class

    Tuition: 224,000 yen (17,000 yen x 12 months + tax)

  2. Adjustment method theme class + Control method online class

    Tuition: 264,000 yen (20,000 yen x 12 months + tax)

  3. Control Law Online Class (6 months)

    Tuition: 165,000 yen (tax included)

    ----For those in their second year or later, the following are also available----

  4. Tuition for Adjustment Method Non-topic Class + Control Method Online Class : 264,000 yen (20,000 yen x 12 months + tax)

  5. Adjustment Method Themeless Class + Control Method Face-to-Face Class

    Tuition: 277,200 yen (21,000 yen x 12 sessions + tax)

  6. Adjustment Method (with & without theme) Class + Control Method Online Class

    Tuition: 277,200 yen (21,000 yen x 12 sessions + tax)

  7. Adjustment method (with/without theme) class + Control method online class + Control method face-to-face class

    Tuition: 290,400 yen (22,000 yen x 12 sessions + tax)

  8. Private session (only for those taking any class, one time only)

    22,000 yen (tax included)


How to apply: Please apply by Sunday, December 29th to using the details below.

Subject: Application to participate in Breathing DOJO


1. Name and contact information

2. Preferred class

3. Preferred primary participation method (online, in-person, weekdays/days or evenings, weekends)

4. Motivation for participation

Breathing DOJO is a place where you can live your life in a more "true" way, both physically and mentally. Experience the world and yourself more vividly. Enjoy "living" and play with life.



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